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Yazar: hakan (page 1 of 2)

Who is Hakan Menguc?

sufi qoutes hakan menguc

🇬🇧 English

Hakan Mengüç is an internationally renowned author whose books have been translated into 13 different languages. His works have remained on bestseller lists in many countries for months. Mengüç is not only known for his writing but also has a large following for his Sufi music. Masterfully playing the mystical Sufi flute Ney, Mengüç also excels on the piano, touching the souls of music lovers with his numerous compositions. His art is a magical fusion of words and melodies, resonating universally.

🇨🇳 Chinese

Hakan Mengüç 是一位国际知名的作家,他的书籍已被翻译成13种不同的语言。他的作品在许多国家的畅销书排行榜上停留了数月之久。Mengüç不仅以写作著称,还因其苏菲音乐而拥有大量粉丝。精通神秘的苏菲长笛Ney的演奏,Mengüç在钢琴上的造诣也令人瞩目,他的众多作品触动了音乐爱好者的心灵。他的艺术是文字与旋律的魔幻结合,在全球范围内产生共鸣。

🇪🇸 Spanish

Hakan Mengüç es un autor de renombre internacional cuyos libros han sido traducidos a 13 idiomas diferentes. Sus obras han permanecido en las listas de bestsellers de muchos países durante meses. Mengüç no solo es conocido por su escritura, sino que también tiene una gran cantidad de seguidores por su música sufí. Tocando magistralmente la flauta sufí mística Ney, Mengüç también sobresale en el piano, tocando las almas de los amantes de la música con sus numerosas composiciones. Su arte es una fusión mágica de palabras y melodías, resonando universalmente.

🇮🇳 Hindi

हाकन मेंगूच एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय ख्याति प्राप्त लेखक हैं जिनकी पुस्तकों का 13 विभिन्न भाषाओं में अनुवाद किया गया है। उनकी रचनाएँ कई देशों में महीनों तक बेस्टसेलर सूची में बनी रहती हैं। मेंगूच न केवल अपनी लेखनी के लिए जाने जाते हैं बल्कि सूफी संगीत के लिए भी उनकी बड़ी प्रशंसक संख्या है। रहस्यमय सूफी बांसुरी ने को कुशलता से बजाने वाले मेंगूच, पियानो में भी उत्कृष्ट हैं और अपनी अनेक रचनाओं से संगीत प्रेमियों की आत्मा को छूते हैं। उनका कला शब्दों और धुनों का जादुई संगम है, जो सार्वभौमिक रूप से गूंजता है।

🇫🇷 French

Hakan Mengüç est un auteur de renommée internationale dont les livres ont été traduits en 13 langues différentes. Ses œuvres sont restées pendant des mois dans les listes des best-sellers de nombreux pays. Mengüç est non seulement connu pour son écriture, mais aussi pour sa grande base de fans de musique soufie. Jouant magistralement la flûte soufie mystique Ney, Mengüç excelle également au piano, touchant les âmes des amateurs de musique avec ses nombreuses compositions. Son art est une fusion magique de mots et de mélodies, résonnant universellement.

🇦🇪 Arabic

حكان منغوتش هو مؤلف ذو شهرة عالمية تُرجمت كتبه إلى 13 لغة مختلفة. ظلت أعماله على قوائم الكتب الأكثر مبيعًا في العديد من البلدان لعدة أشهر. منغوتش معروف ليس فقط بكتاباته بل لديه أيضًا قاعدة جماهيرية كبيرة لموسيقاه الصوفية. يعزف ببراعة على الناي الصوفي الغامض، كما يتميز في العزف على البيانو، ويلامس قلوب عشاق الموسيقى بتأليفاته العديدة. فنه هو مزيج سحري من الكلمات والألحان، ويبعث صدى عالميًا.

🇷🇺 Russian

Хакан Менгюч — всемирно известный автор, книги которого переведены на 13 разных языков. Его работы на протяжении нескольких месяцев оставались в списках бестселлеров во многих странах. Менгюч известен не только своими произведениями, но и большим количеством поклонников его суфийской музыки. Мастерски играя на мистической суфийской флейте Ней, Менгюч также виртуозно играет на пианино и трогает души любителей музыки своими многочисленными композициями. Его искусство — это волшебное сочетание слов и мелодий, находящее отклик по всему миру.


🇮🇹 Italian

Hakan Mengüç è un autore di fama internazionale i cui libri sono stati tradotti in 13 lingue diverse. Le sue opere sono rimaste per mesi nelle liste dei bestseller di molti paesi. Mengüç è conosciuto non solo per i suoi scritti, ma anche per la sua vasta base di fan della musica sufi. Suonando magistralmente il mistico flauto sufi Ney, Mengüç eccelle anche al pianoforte, toccando l’anima degli amanti della musica con le sue numerose composizioni. La sua arte è una fusione magica di parole e melodie che risuona universalmente.

Il famoso tenore italiano Andrea Bocelli e Hakan Mengüç

Renowned Author and Neyzen Hakan Mengüç Gives Private Sufi Flute Ney Lesson to World-Famous Tenor Andrea Bocelli

Renowned Author and Neyzen Hakan Mengüç Gives Private Sufi Flute Ney Lesson to World-Famous Tenor Andrea Bocelli

Meeting in the Backstage

Before his concert at Beşiktaş Stadium, world-famous tenor Andrea Bocelli had a unique encounter with renowned author and neyzen Hakan Mengüç. The meeting took place in Bocelli’s dressing room, where Mengüç introduced the artist to the Sufi philosophy and presented him with a ney, a traditional Turkish flute.

Bocelli’s First Attempt at Playing the Ney

Fascinated by the instrument, Bocelli attempted to play the ney for the first time. His genuine interest in the ney was evident as he tried to produce its distinctive sound. Mengüç then played the ney, and Bocelli was deeply moved by the mystical tones.

An Inspirational Encounter

Impressed by the music, Bocelli expressed his desire to learn the ney. This special interaction between the two artists was a heartfelt and inspirational moment, beautifully captured before Bocelli’s much-anticipated concert.

Andrea Bocelli’s wife Veronica Berti | Hakan Mengüç


Hakan Mengüç is a renowned author, composer, and academician who is well-known by a wide audience both in Turkey and around the world. He has published 9 books, which have been translated into 13 different languages in a short amount of time.

The author has successfully adapted his teachings, based on the fundamentals of Sufi philosophy, to the modern age. In addition, he is both an academician and the president of the Sufi Academy, which was established under the auspices of the Girne American University.

Alongside his notable work as an author, Hakan Mengüç is also prominent for his music and composition skills. He is a renowned ney virtuoso and pianist.

Unveiling Destiny: The Profound Insights of Hakan Mengüç’s ‘Nothing Encounter is by Chance

Nothing Encounter is by Chance

Hakan Mengüç’s book “No Encounter is by Chance” posits a compelling argument: the encounters and experiences in our lives are not random, but rather, each event carries a significant meaning. This work delves into the profound message that every meeting and occurrence in life holds a purpose, emphasizing that nothing is truly coincidental. As readers journey through the book, the experiences shared provoke deep reflections on their inner selves and perspectives on life. This masterpiece offers readers the chance to re-evaluate the events and encounters in their lives from a fresh viewpoint.

A Brief Biography of Hakan Mengüç

Hakan Mengüç is a distinguished Turkish writer, speaker, and columnist known for his insightful reflections on spirituality, personal growth, and the interconnectedness of life’s events. With a background that spans various fields, Mengüç has established himself as a voice of wisdom and inspiration in the literary world. His works often explore the depth of human emotions, the spiritual journey of individuals, and the serendipitous nature of life’s path. Mengüç’s writing not only challenges readers to look beyond the surface of their experiences but also encourages a deeper understanding of the self and the universe. Through his books, Mengüç continues to touch the hearts and minds of readers, fostering a space for introspection and the discovery of life’s hidden treasures.

sufism hakan menguc

The idea that no encounter in our lives is coincidental invites us to a journey of deep self-awareness and personal development. The concept of “No Encounter is by Chance” represents an effort to understand the complex fabric of life. It suggests that the people we meet and the events we experience in our lives carry meaningful lessons that shape, teach, and grow us.

To deeply understand ourselves and our surroundings, accepting that every person and event entering our lives has a purpose offers us a rich perspective. This means that even encounters that seem coincidental are actually opportunities for learning necessary for our personal growth. Like a hidden supportive hand from the universe, people and experiences that appear in our lives at certain moments guide us on our inner journey.

Every encounter is an opportunity to better understand ourselves, realize our potential, and find our place in the flow of life. This understanding helps us develop a more open-minded and accepting attitude towards life. Instead of resisting problems and challenges, we can see them as a natural part of our personal development.

The philosophy of “No Encounter is by Chance” teaches us to seek deep meanings even in the ordinary moments of life. It encourages us to appreciate the beauty of the moment and the potential that every new encounter brings, making the most of the endless possibilities life offers. With this mindset, we can see every day as a valuable step in our journey of self-discovery and growth.

Hakan Mengüç’s “Awakening of the Heart” Seminar Draws Major Interest in Germany

Hakan Mengüç’s “Awakening of the Heart” Seminar Draws Major Interest in Germany (16-17-18 February 2024)

Renowned author, composer, and academic Hakan Mengüç garnered significant acclaim with his “Awakening of the Heart” seminar in leading German cities such as Stuttgart, Frankfurt, and Mannheim. Incorporating performances on the Ney and piano into his program, Mengüç offered participants a unique sense of peace through his impressive presentations on Sufi philosophy.

The rapid sell-out of this seminar series demonstrated that Hakan Mengüç has a wide following not only in Turkey but also internationally. The intense interest in the seminars highlighted the universal appeal of Mengüç’s content and his ability to bridge different cultures.

These seminars in Germany are considered a significant step forward in establishing Mengüç as a key figure in cultural interaction and spiritual teaching, as well as in promoting Sufi philosophy and Turkish music worldwide. Mengüç’s seminars not only provide rich information and music but also underscore the unifying power of different cultures and schools of thought.

Hakan Mengüç: A Pioneer of Contemporary Sufism and a Multifaceted Intellectual

Hakan Mengüç is a multifaceted personality known as an author, composer, academic, and Ney (sufi flute) player. He has become a significant figure in spiritual and academic fields by teaching Sufi Philosophy at Girne American University and presiding over the Sufi Academy established within the same university. The publication of his nine books and their translation into 13 different languages clearly indicate his global impact.

this photo is about sufi philosophy teacher writer musician Hakan Menguc

Born in Bursa, (Turkiye) Mengüç formed a deep connection with Sufi philosophy and Ney music from an early age. This interest led him to learn Ottoman Turkish, Persian, and engage in studies on the Masnavi. He expanded his knowledge and experience by visiting spiritual centers worldwide and eventually began sharing his inner journey and teachings through his books.

Mengüç has reached millions through social media with his straightforward narrative and compositions, adopting a mission to contribute to society by providing free education to the youth. Through the HM Young Leaders Academy, he has organized seminars and workshops for individuals under 25, significantly contributing to their personal and professional development.

Valuing music education, Mengüç has trained in piano and Ney, sharing his compositions on digital music platforms. He has also demonstrated his academic competence in the field of music by completing a certified course from Harvard University on “The 19th Century Orchestra and Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.”

As an internationally recognized figure, Mengüç has reached broad audiences through platforms like TEDx, discussing Sufi philosophy. Additionally, he has shared his knowledge and experiences through seminars at significant institutions and universities in Turkey and Europe. Notably, his seminars at Windesheim University and Amsterdam Vrije University (Netherlands), along with the University of Southern Denmark, have made him a well-known name in academic and spiritual circles across Europe. These universities are among Europe’s leading educational institutions, and Mengüç’s talks on Sufi philosophy and personal development on these platforms have solidified his international influence and acceptance.

The life and work of Hakan Mengüç demonstrate that he is not just a source of knowledge but also a leader who inspires society. His impressive journey from internal exploration to international platforms clearly showcases his strong character and the extent of his impact.

(This article was prepared by the biographical sociologist Hazar Erdem for a magazine.)

Keywords: Hakan Mengüç, Sufi Philosophy, Ney Artist, Modern Sufism, Academic and Author, Spiritual Leadership, Cultural Interaction, Bestselling Books, Music and Education, International Seminars

The Journey of Love in Sufism: A Deep Dive into the Heart

The Journey of Love in Sufism: A Deep Dive into the Heart

For centuries, Sufism has served as a mystical path guiding people in purifying their souls and achieving inner peace. At the heart of this mystical journey lies ‘love’. In Sufi tradition, love is much more than just an emotion or a bond between people; it is the essence of existence and the foundation of the human connection with the divine. In this article, we will explore the understanding of love in Sufism and how this mystical path reaches the depths of the heart.

1. The Definition of Love in Sufism:
In Sufism, love signifies a universal consciousness and spiritual awakening. For instance, the Sufi thinker Ibn Arabi describes love as “the heart of existence.” According to him, love is a cosmic energy that resides at the core of everything and connects all creation. In Ibn Arabi’s philosophy, relinquishing one’s ego and surrendering to this universal love is the key to true knowledge and peace.

2. Love in Sufi Poetry:
Jalaluddin Rumi’s poem “The Dance of Love” perfectly reflects the power of love in the Sufi understanding. Rumi portrays love as a force that liberates the human soul from its limitations and invites it to dance in a sea of divine love. The poem emphasizes the importance of transcending individual love to attain an awareness of universal and divine love.

3. Love and Union with the Divine:
For those following the Sufi path, love is central to the union with the divine. This concept is embodied in Mansur Al-Hallaj’s statement, “I am the Truth.” This means that Mansur saw himself as a complete part of the divine existence, transcending the limits of his individual self. For Hallaj, love meant transcending one’s ego boundaries to achieve complete union with the divine.

In Sufism, love is not just an emotion but also a journey. This journey takes us from our inner world to a deeper understanding of universal consciousness and existence. The concept of love in the Sufi tradition carries an inspiring message not only for Sufi thinkers and poets but for all humanity: Love is the key not only to our connections with each other but also to our bond with the entire universe.

New Year, A New Page, New Resolutions, and Sufism

New Year, A New Page, New Resolutions, and Sufism

The new year is often seen as a time of new beginnings and opportunities for renewal for many people. This period is commonly considered a time to set personal goals and make changes in our lives. Sufism offers a unique perspective on this process of renewal. The teachings of this mystical tradition can add a meaningful dimension to our new year’s resolutions, focusing on inner transformation and mindful living.

1. Self-Discovery:
Sufism places the journey of personal discovery at its core. The new year is a perfect time to embark on or continue this journey. Sufi teachings guide us towards our inner world, helping us to discover our true selves. Self-awareness can make our new year’s resolutions more conscious and purpose-driven.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing 
and rightdoing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”


2. Ego and Forgiveness:
In Sufism, the ego is seen as a barrier to our true self. The new year is an opportunity to recognize and free ourselves from our ego. It’s also a time to forgive and let go of our past mistakes and grievances. This is a fundamental step for both personal growth and making a healthier start in our relationships.

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”


3. Love and Connectedness:
Sufism places great emphasis on the concepts of universal love and connectedness. In our new year’s resolutions, we can adopt a more loving, understanding, and connected approach towards others and the world. This can enhance our personal peace and contribute to positive changes in our community.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”


The new year offers more than just setting external goals; it is also an opportunity for inner transformation and renewal. The teachings of Sufism can guide this process of renewal and help us find deeper meaning and purpose in all areas of our lives. As we step into the early days of this new year, let’s fill our hearts and minds with the wisdom that Sufism offers and take steps towards discovering our true potential.

How to Learn to Play the Ney

How to Learn to Play the Ney

The ney is a traditional sufi flute that has been used in the Middle East (mostly in Turkey) for centuries. It is often associated with Sufi music, and is said to have a calming and meditative effect. If you are interested in learning how to play the ney, here are a few tips:

1. Get a good ney.

There are many different types of neys available, so it is important to choose one that is well-made and sounds good to you. You can find neys online or at some music stores.

If you start with a bad ney, your motivation may decrease and your learning process may be negatively affected.

2. Find a good teacher.

Learning to play the ney can be challenging, so it is helpful to have a teacher who can guide you and help you develop good technique. There are many ney teachers available online and in some music stores. When choosing a ney teacher, consider the following factors:

  • Experience: Make sure that your teacher has experience teaching the ney.
  • Style: Choose a teacher who teaches in a style that you enjoy.
  • Availability: Make sure that your teacher is available to meet with you regularly.

(I will be posting ney lessons on YouTube soon. Stay tuned. YouTube Neyzen Hakan Mengüç )

3. Practice regularly.

The more you practice, the better you will become at playing the ney. Try to set aside some time each day to practice, even if it is just for a few minutes. When you practice, focus on the following:

  • Breathing: Practice blowing into the ney gently. You should not blow too hard, or you will produce a harsh sound.
  • Intonation: Practice playing different notes in tune.
  • Timing: Practice playing different rhythms.
  • Technique: Experiment with different techniques to produce different sounds.

4. Be patient.

It takes time and practice to learn how to play the ney well. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t sound great right away. Just keep practicing and you will eventually see improvement.

5. Enjoy the journey!

Learning to play the ney is a rewarding experience. The more you practice, the better you will become, and the more enjoyment you will get from playing. So relax, have fun, and enjoy the journey!


This is a question we are frequently asked. Under normal circumstances, I do not give ney lessons due to my busy schedule and priorities. However, I give one-on-one ney lessons to those who support the Youth Project or make a certain amount of book donations for village schools to contribute to these projects. For those who cannot afford it, I am planning to publish free ney lessons on YouTube soon.

The Ney: A Symbol of Spiritual Connection in Sufi Music and Philosophy

The Ney: A Symbol of Spiritual Connection in Sufi Music and Philosophy

The ney is a traditional Turkish flute that holds a significant place in both Sufi music and Sufi philosophy. Typically made from reed, the ney is a long and curved instrument. Closely associated with Sufism, the ney has a melancholic and meditative sound quality that reflects the mystical and spiritual atmosphere.

The ney is frequently used in Sufi music rituals and Sufi meditations. At the same time, the ney is considered an instrument symbolizing the inner journey of a person and their connection with God in Sufism.

The 13th-century Sufi poet and scholar, Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, often utilized the ney in his works. Rumi’s famous work, “Masnavi,” begins with a reference to the symbolic importance of the ney: “Listen! How the ney complains, how it tells of separations.” These lines are believed to indicate the yearning for divine love and unity, which is thought to have been severed from the essence of humans.

Hakan Menguc: The Renowned Ney Virtuoso and Sufi Philosopher

Hakan Menguc is a well-known ney virtuoso and author of 8 books on Sufi philosophy. His books are widely read in 25 countries.

Menguc has been playing the ney since his childhood and has given numerous ney concerts around the world. He is also a highly listened-to ney artist on platforms such as Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

Menguc’s music reflects not only his unique ney playing technique but also Sufi philosophy and culture. His deeply meaningful and emotionally charged performances leave listeners in awe.

As a writer, Menguc inspires readers with his books on Sufi philosophy and the meaning of life. His inspirational messages encourage people to discover themselves, find meaning in life, and create a more loving world.

Hakan Menguc is a globally respected artist whose music and works touch the lives of many.

Sufism: The Path of Inner Quest

Origin and history of Sufism

Sufism began with a woman named Rabia and spread throughout the Muslim world. It drew inspiration from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and the sayings and practices of the early Islamic mystics. Over time, Sufism developed its own unique practices, beliefs, and rituals, which vary from region to region.

The essence of Sufism

At the heart of Sufism is the concept of tawhid, which means the oneness of God. Sufis believe that God is present in all things and that by turning inward, they can connect with the divine presence within themselves. They seek to attain a state of spiritual purity, known as fana, in which the ego is dissolved, and the individual becomes one with God.

Practices and beliefs of Sufism

Sufism is characterized by a variety of practices, including the recitation of poetry, music, and dance, which are used as tools for meditation and contemplation. Sufis also engage in a variety of devotional practices, such as fasting, charity, and pilgrimage. Sufis believe in the importance of spiritual guidance from a master or teacher, known as a sheikh or murshid.


In a world full of materialism and superficiality, Sufism provides a path towards inner peace and spiritual enlightenment. Its emphasis on the inward search for God and the dissolution of the ego is a powerful antidote to the stresses and pressures of modern life. By following the teachings and practices of the Sufi masters, individuals can connect with the divine presence within themselves and experience the joy and beauty of a life lived in harmony with the divine.