Hakan Menguc’s philosophy of life

While explaining his philosophy of life built on hopefulness and sharing hope, he says: “Hopefulness is not a pure optimism. It is not to ignore the tragedy that humanity faces. Hope means seeing every possibility and doing your best for good rather than sitting at your house and cursing evil.”
Hakan Mengüç argues that it is enough for even one person to believe in the continuity of hope on earth. “Moreover, this person can be you,” he says. “Then, you will continue to expand to become another “you” and another “you” and turn into “we”.
That is why Hakan Mengüç has adopted the idea of “Burn a candle instead of swearing in the darkness…” And as his teachers suggest, the young writer, who aspires to make efforts to enlighten others with the candle he lights, wishes to encourage others to light new candles on this path.
As Rumi said: “When a candle ignites another candle, it does not lose anything from its own light. On the contrary, it leads to the enlightenment of the darkness. ”
“Hakan Menguc is one of the pioneers of the Sufi philosophy in the 21st century“
Serhat akpınar, Founding President of Girne American University