No encounter is by chance

Fate does not give up on people. We are the decision-makers, the ones who shape our own fate. As one looks back, they may notice experiences where they do things they thought they would never do, put up with things they said they would never tolerate, or even fall in love with someone they thought they would never love. We might have been in situations where we thought we could not leave, but instead were able to walk away from; we might have days we felt like dying but still lived through that day and into the next. With every challenge overcome, we come closer to understanding our inner self.
The encounters you run into are the weavers of your fate. Some people may come into your life unexpectedly while others drift away. One minute you wonder “What is this about?”, and the next minute you find yourself in a perfect story.
You are a passenger in your own story. Everywhere you go and everyone you love is a part of you. In other words, with every aspect in life, you can discover another piece of yourself. You may come to realise that this road is full of challenges.; however, all these obstacles in life actually serves you. In this universe, not a single leaf moves without a reason, even the wind has something to whisper. As long as your heart is willing to stay awake and receptive, you will never cease to grow. Don’t ever think “I am perfect” at any moment because that prevents you from improving. Living is about learning and adapting. To say “I am perfect” would also mean that “There’s nothing for me to live for”.
Hakan Menguc